Nickname: don’t have one

: C
Yrs with UFO: 2

Field of study: chem. Eng/ biochem.
4th of 5

How did you get into ultimate? Playing pick-up with friends
Where is the closest Frisbee to you right now? In my closet

Favourite Food:
candy cane ice cream
Favourite TV Show:
don’t watch any, but if I did, it would be tripping the rift
Favourite colour:
How many hoodies do you own?
What are you addicted to?
Caffeine…it’s bad. You’re hoping someone puts “sex” here, aren’t you? Sickos.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
An x-wing pilot, then a pyrotechnician, but you have to go to school in the states to do that
Favourite superhero?
All the Xmen, but especially mystique
Do you have any crazy talents? I can get >200 kicks in a row with a hacky sack… but I’d call that more the result of not going to class in high school than a talent
If you had a million dollars, you’d… probably spend it and not have anything to show for it after
Do you have any piercings/tattoos?
Wouldn’t you like to know…haha, just ears
If you could have any superpower what would it be? The power to change my superpower to anything I’d want it to be, and I’d also like a transformer for a car. Maybe optimus prime, but maybe bumblebee because I like his talent for picking music.
If you could meet anyone who would it be? George Lucas
One thing people don’t know about me is… I can’t wear stilettos because I have a scar on my heel from getting a rock in my foot
Favourite quotes:

“He’s not a blacksmith… he’s a pirate”

And anything that Derek decloux says when he’s drunk, but that won’t make sense to anyone else.

Sleep in or get up early?
Get up early
Coke of Pepsi? Coke. More caffeine.
Left or Right? Depends on the task at hand.
Sunny or rainy? sunny
Pub or club? Pub, followed by club after a few

N’Sync or BSB? Neither.
Take the picture or be in the picture? Taking it, because I’m usually the fool with the camera
Sunrise or sunset? Depends how early it is and how tired I am.
Vodka or Tequila? tequila
Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla for milkshakes, chocolate for all else.
Cats or dogs? Birds.

… been arrested?
… been suspended from school? yes
… been pushed into the pool w/ all your clothes on? yes
… broken a bone? yes
… shaven your head? Close enough

… gone skinny dipping? Absolutely

This sounds like ammo for “never have I ever” to me…

I don’t understand…
a lot of things that I’m supposed to in my classes, specifically if it involves calculus II because I’m still getting by on luck for that one
I lost my…
seriously? I’m not saying the first thing that came to mind. Keys it is.
People would say that I…
am a huge nerd, but not the kind that gets beat up or still lives in their parents’ basement or is a DDR champ

I feel like…
eating. Almost all the time. Or drinking coffee.
I never want…
to be paralyzed
Life is full of…

I get annoyed when…
I am trying really hard to understand something and it’s just not working
If I could be anywhere I’d be…
canoe tripping in the wilderness and not having to worry about getting a real job
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